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个人总结与自我评价服务员 篇1







个人总结与自我评价服务员 篇2

April 23 in my life is a turning point in it, on this day and many of my classmates together embarked on the road to Shenzhen internship, which is not out of the door for me is a great test is a transformation face of this strange city have not had time to fear and loss, they have felt the company leadership of our concern.

Just up the first day, down from the car when the morning, the day is still a gray, and then we were the company's management staff to the dormitory, go just sit down, I heard a knock on the door, a door Gejing LiCame in, a word of mouth is a sentence of concern, a very moving, the original in this strange city there are people concerned about us, Gejing Li said: "Wait for the next to take you to the company look familiar familiar with the environment, The day when the day is already dark, and so the next day is to begin intensive training in the training time tired a lot of students want to go, but the last bites to endure down, after a weekAfter training to usher in a strict examination, first written, followed by practical exercises, and finally finished in the afternoon about 6 pm, we are relieved, thinking finally liberated, but behind us is waiting for separation, April 28 is the day we separated, the day is also under the rain gray, as if the days are crying, we each got into their own work is a car shop.

And I was like this came to the Masuda store, arrived in the store when the manager arranged the store with us to familiarize ourselves with the environment, I thought this is where I work later, and my heart secretly think, I have to work hard, so I can not live up to so many days of hard work, 5:30 when I attended the class will feel just fine, and so on when the Director Zheng told us to stay down for us to arrange The master, said to us, "this is your master, and later to follow the master master." May 1 will officially follow the master posts, then mind began to be at a loss, why I learned in school International business, why do I come out but do the work of the waiter? What about my efforts in school two and a half years? For a time do not understand, but the busy work so I do not have time to think about it, and later discovered that the original waiter is not so simple things, during which I learned a lot of knowledge and theory in schools can not learn. Leaders are very concerned about us, it is very warm, but also appreciate the food industry in the service staff of the hard and happy, work, sometimes through their own warm service to guests satisfaction is a very happy thing. Sometimes will encounter some grumpy guests will be scolded a few words, though will feel very wronged, but sometimes think about: life for so short a few decades, why this little thing to suppress their own, so that they do not Happy it, these as commonplace, satiate waiting to slowly digest,

个人总结与自我评价服务员 篇3

I am University of marketing and planning professional students, in the near graduation, I restaurant for three months of internships in the past three months, my ability to work has been greatly improved, nowWill be 3 months of work to do a self-appraisal.

1, to improve communication skills: As a front desk receptionist, as the hotel front-line staff, and the guests contact is face to face, is the most direct. Often receptionist word can affect the guests on the hotel's overall impression, and even affect the mood of the guests all day. How to make your own language so that guests hear comfortable, happy to hear, as a front desk receptionist must learn the course. Of course, communication is not limited to the guests, but also between colleagues, or even to the higher level. People can not help but not have emotional volatility, but this emotional fluctuations tend to affect the mood of to adjust their own mentality, with the best attitude to face the guests, the face of colleagues or even superior, how to bring someone the best smile, every day I seriously think about the problem. In this internship, I not only in communication skills have been improved, but also learned how to adjust the mentality of self.

2, emergency response capacity to improve: work in the front desk, every day must be ready for battle. Because as a front desk receptionist, every day to receive different guests, in the face of different events. Guests can not help some guests will not be polite, and even the receptionist will be outrageous. Faced with this situation, how to appease the feelings of the guests, but also to protect the interests of the hotel and its own security, for me is another test.

3, the ability to work independently improved: Through this internship, I am deeply aware of the need to learn their own / fanwen / 1600 / have the ability to do this must do their own. Only to develop their own independent ability to work in progress. At work, there are problems, do not know should be bold to ask colleagues, rather than pretend to understand. Work independently, gain experience, and finally get the most suitable for their own things.

4, service awareness: as a front desk receptionist, always represents the hotel. Whether in the workplace, or walking on the road, as long as the uniforms of the hotel should always have to provide guests with the best service mean. We are the angel of the City of Smiles, all for the guests, for the guests of all, for all guests.

In the past 3 months, I have studied business training and actively participated in the job wholeheartedly, courteous, enthusiastic service, patience to answer questions, to provide quality services to customers, and in practice to improve their quality and business level , Grow into a qualified salesperson in the future I will work harder.

个人总结与自我评价服务员 篇4

本人于 年 X 月起,在 卫生院开始上班。这一年来,在医 院的领导带领和提携下,坚持以第十七次全国代表大会精神以及“三个代表”重要思 想为指导,紧紧围绕全院的发展大局,认真开展各项医疗工作,全面 履行了临床医生的岗位职责。


在工作中,能够坚守岗位,尽责尽力的做好自己的工作。接待病 人时,能够及时与病人沟通,较快的完成简单的检查和详细的病史情 况,能及时的书写并完成病历。在自己有主管的病人时,我能够做到 全程监护,随时观察病人情况,能及时的向上级医师反馈病情,能较 快较好的遵医嘱执行病情, 病人出院时能积极热心的帮其办理出院手 续,使病人顺利出院。 在与病人交流沟通时,我能够做到真诚热心的交流,当然在医患 沟通交流时,我的不足是不耐心,如工作繁忙时、情绪差些时都会有 不耐心、嫌麻烦及态度不好等表现,在今后的工作中,我会在这方面 改进的,做到真诚、热心、耐心的与患者交流。 在与同事的交流沟通方面,我能够做到真诚待人,工作团结。在 思想态度上,我能够做到尊敬老同志,热爱新同志,并能严格要求自 己不在背后指责他人的不是,少说多做,在这方面我将继续保持,努 力提高,做一个受大家欢迎的人。在生活上,我能够做到与新老同志坦荡真诚的交流,并一贯以能取的他人的信任为行事准则,尽力尽量 做到不妨碍他人的生活和工作。在工作上,我能够严谨细心积极的工 作,并能及时与同事们沟通交流,以弥补工作中的漏洞和不足,自己 有空闲时间也能帮他人做些事情,我的妇幼工作有时任务量大时,大 家也能热心积极地帮我分担,在今后的工作中,我将继续保持好的交 流习惯,继续发扬团结互助的精神。


在这一年当中,我体会到作为一名基层医务工作者,其业务水平 的要求是全方位的,不仅要求有全面扎实的理论功底,还更要求有过 硬的临床操作能力。我能够正确的检查诊断一些常见病,能做到简单 的用药处理。但我本人在业务水平方面,仍是有很多不足的。首先, 理论知识不全面,这导致了面对许多病种,不能有效的做出检查和病 史搜集等工作。其次,临床操作水平较差,不能全面的熟练的帮助同 事们处理急诊病人。再次,理论知识不扎实,在临床的检查、诊断、 用药、护理等方面不能较快较好的完成工作。在今后的工作中,我会 在理论和实践两方面努力提高,做到工作正确及时有效的完成。


我在卫生院里兼职儿童预防保健工作。儿童预防保健工作项目 多,责任重大,其工作要求是细致、耐心、长期的做这方面的工作。 我在这块工作上,能够较好的完成一部分工作任务,如儿童预防接种 信息微机录入的工作能较好的完成, 常规计划免疫接种程序能基本掌 握以及国家一类、二类疫苗的区别及价格。健康教育的宣教能有条不紊的开展进行等做的较好的方面。 但我仍有较多的预防保健工作方面 做的不足,在今后的工作中我会改正不足,进一步提高办事能力,能 够较好全面的掌握儿童预防接种保健及金苗信息卡的办理工作。在 2019 年里,工作中的体会和总结就是这些。为了保持优点,改进不 足,下面再根据工作总结,把 2019 年里的个人工作计划制定如下: 1、 2、 继续保持发扬“爱岗敬业、诚信团结”的精神。 在病历书写上,进一步提高自己的体格检查水平,完善病 史搜集的能力,改进书写时的用语和习惯。 3、 自己主管的病人,要全程监护到出院,做到不误诊;病人 的出院手续悉心指导办理,做到不漏交费用。 4、 5、 出勤方面要向先进看齐,做到没大事没急事不请假。 在医患沟通时,做到真诚、热心、耐心的与患者交流,并 能做到善于和患者沟通。 6、 在与同事的交流沟通上,做到真诚待人,互助友爱,关心 他人,要继续保持团队精神。 7、 8、 努力提高个人业务水平,理论知识和临床操作都要加强。 在儿童预防保健工作方面,要向前辈学习以提高自己的工 作能力,建立健全各种表册,及时准确上报各种报表和数 据,积极配合上级指派的临时任务。 总之,我在这一年的工作当中,进步很大,不仅在业务上,还是 在待人接物上,都能有较好的表现;在这一年中,不足也很多,在医 患沟通上、病历书写上、临床操作上、儿童预防保健上等都有许多不足,这些都是我今后工作中努力完善和提高的重点。

个人总结与自我评价服务员 篇5


作为一名团员,我要做的就是不断的适应时代的发展,跟上时代的步伐,不断的去扩充自身的知识储备,以提高自身的修养。 在个人成长的路上,我们不但要敢于创新,而且要在马克思主义思想,毛泽东思想邓小平理论三个代表重要思想反思自己的言行举止。作为团员必须具有积极的心态,乐观的精神,和敢于向困难挑战的精神,而且骄不躁,败不馁,能发扬团结友爱,关心他人,具有团队精神,和集体荣誉感。“勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为!”良好的道德习惯不是一朝一夕,而是长期的养成过程。我从我做起,管好自已。只有这样才不会违背于作为新一代光荣的共青团员的精神。

当然“人无完人”,我也有缺点,相信在不断反省自己的同时,我会尽量做到有错则改,无则加勉。相信中国在未来里,因为有我们的拼搏而更加富强,因为有我们的努力而更加精彩,因为有我们的成绩而更加灿烂,让我们一同创造美好生命,强大的国家。不要再沉默,用你、我黎明前的钟声去敲响明天的太阳,当阳光普照大地,就将会有新种子的萌发,我们将会继续向远处的眺望,前进。 在此,我希望团总支相信我指导我 , 而我也会继续努力 , 争取更好的发展自己,完善自己。

在初一的时候就入了团。团组织给了我巨大的温暖,教育我以正确的人生观、世界观来对 待自己的人生。我深深地感受到党组织的温暖,并时刻牢记自己是一名团员,以团员的要 求来严格要求自己。团组织促使我成长,伴我走过每一个春夏秋冬。 在思想政治方面, 我积极向党组织靠拢,第一学期就写了入党申请书,并于这学期成为 了入党积极分子。我会努力学习,不断进取所应该达到的目标,组织上的入党一生一次, 思想上的入党一生一世。 在学习上,我刻苦学习,勤奋努力。追求上进,不断创新。并在上学期的期末考试中取得 了良好的成绩。但我深深的知道光是这一点是不够的,仍旧需要不断的努力,不断地前进。 作为一名团员,要做的就是不断的适应时代的发展,跟上时代的步伐,不断的去扩充自身 的知识储备,以提高自身的修养。

在工作方面,为了更好的锻炼自己,也为了寻找一次为同学服务的机会。在大一,我报名 参加了学部勤工部的工作。两个学期的活动,我结识了许多朋友,也学会了与别人交流的 一些方法。与他人合作,最重要的就是要不断的沟通。所以在班集体中,我虽不是班委, 但我积极参与班级活动,为班级服务 。 在生活方面,我很快的就是适应了大学的生活,与同学们相处得十分融洽,渐渐的找到大 学学习与生活的方法,独立生活的能力也有了很大的提高。 在以后的日子里,我要把学到的党的基本知识具体体现在我们的实际生活中,从自身抓起, 从小事做起,对学习刻苦努力,对工作有创新精神,注重思想上的学习,全心全意地为同 学和他人服务,敢于进行批评和自我批评,在不断地学习中完善自我。在政治上,思想上, 行动上同党保持一致。